Social Media Influencer
Romina’s has often said she views herself as merely a messenger of other people’s life stories and good deeds. With this purpose in mind she created her online medium, Ro On The Go, with a mission to provide the public with a platform they could in turn utilize. In return the public has come to both trust and rely on this multi-faceted medium as a valuable source of information.
In addition to providing this support and being a voice for others, Romina is also a brand influencer and solely endorses products she strongly believes in. The loyal following of Ro On The Go, is a result of what she refers to as, being real. “If you’re not real people will see right through you eventually,’ says Romina. “Everyone wants authenticity and to connect with someone they can relate to. Vulnerability and speaking your truth is incredibly powerful and this is the foundation of Ro On The Go.”

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“Social Media puts the “public” into PR and the “market” into marketing. ”
— Chris Brogan, President of New Marketing Labs